Ways to Give
Ben Franklin High School’s tradition of excellence relies on the support of the entire Franklin Community. BFHS welcomes and needs your financial support. Gifts to the school are tax-deductible and sincerely appreciated. You can make a gift of cash, check, credit card or securities to the school.
All gifts are vital to the support of Benjamin Franklin’s annual needs. There are several different ways in which a contribution can be made. Listed below are some options to consider:
Cash: Current gifts are always appreciated and are tax-deductable to the full extent of the law. The school will accept gifts by check or credit card.
Recurring Gifts: Give a little every month, every quarter or every year. You can set up a recurring gift on our secure website and your credit card will be charged.
Matching Gifts: Many corporations have chosen this method as a way to support education. Companies will often match or multiply gifts made by employees and retirees.
Restricted Gifts: As a public charter school, Ben Franklin has constant needs for funding, maintenance and improvements, project by project. You can choose to restrict funds to a specific project or area of the school such as the writing lab, theater, science or athletics.
Sponsorships: You or your company may sponsor a Franklin event or project and have the ongoing appreciation of the community.
Please contact Christy Cowart Read ’89 at 504-286-2615 or cread@bfhsla.org in the Development Office for more information.
Stock Gifts: A gift of stock saves two ways. You avoid capital gains tax on the increased value and you receive a deduction for the full market value of the stock at the time you make the gift.
Please contact Christy Cowart Read ’89 at 504-286-2615 or cread@bfhsla.org in the Development Office for more information.
Memorial and Honor Gifts: Franklin gratefully recognizes gifts made in memory or in honor of friends, family, or faculty members, or to acknowledge other significant events.
Planned Gifts: A gift to Franklin leaves a lasting impact. There are many vehicles that offer tax savings and benefits: wills, life insurance, charitable lead trusts, and real estate. If you are interested in more information on planned giving opportunities, please contact Christy Cowart Read ’89 in the Development Office at 504-286-2615 or cread@bfhsla.org.
Gifts in Kind: Gifts of goods and services are always welcomed. There are so many different needs at the school and these donations can be distributed where best suited.
Volunteering: Your time and talent can help Franklin. Support events and activities throughout the year. Help raise money and awareness for Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin High School will not sell or trade a donor’s personal information to any other entity in existence without the donor’s written permission.
Donate today.
Mail checks payable to:
Friends of Franklin, Inc.
Attention: Development Office
2001 Leon C. Simon Drive
New Orleans, LA 70122