Support Services
One of the reasons why our students are able to become the best possible versions of themselves in academics, athletics, and clubs, competitions, etc. is because of the strong support system provided by teachers, counselors, and other staff members. Franklin provides a solid network of support services including the Student Assistance Team, New Student Support Counseling, and Special Services for students with disabilities or temporary medical conditions that require additional support.
Gifted and Talented
The Gifted and Talented (G/T) program at BFHS offers specialized instructional services to students who meet the Louisiana State Department of Education (LDOE) criteria for the classification of G/T. If the student has a LDOE, Bulletin 1508 compliant G/T evaluation or current IEP, please submit a copy with their admission’s application.
We offer gifted courses in our English and math departments utilizing college prep materials with an emphasis on incorporating higher level thinking skills into the academic curriculum. If the student does not have a Gifted designation, but you are interested in pursuing Gifted, please consider these options.
Our talented course offerings include Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts with an emphasis on incorporating theory, critique, and intensive skill building techniques. For students interested in pursuing our Talented Arts Program, click here to find out more information about the evaluation process.
Special Services
At Franklin, we follow the Section 504 eligibility process outlined in the NOLA Public Schools Special Education Resource Guide. Once a student is suspected of having a disability, there is a collaborative section 504 planning and implementation process that relies on shared interests and reciprocal trust to ensure positive educational outcomes for students with disabilities.
The Special Populations Department strives to provide our IDEA students with disabilities (IEPs) appropriate support services, technologies, and individualized planning and goals in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). At Benjamin Franklin High School our special education students are fully integrated with their peers in general education classrooms. Our policies and procedures are governed by federal, state, and local regulations with a focus on providing high quality enriched educational experiences for all students. Our students receive resources that they need to become productive citizens in a global society. We adhere to the Louisiana Department of Education’s Child Find Written Guidance for conducting comprehensive evaluations for students suspected of having a disability.
We also heed the NOLA Public Schools’ Discipline Policy & Procedures for Students with Disabilities, Seclusion & Restraint Guidelines and utilize the Disability Discrimination Compliant Procedures.
Please read the Parent FAQ, Parent/student Bill of Rights, and see our Special Education Advisory Council for further information on Special Education in Charter Schools. This information is also available in Vietnamese and Spanish. Additional parent resources can be found on the NOLA Public Schools website.
Student Assistance Team
The Student Assistance Team (SAT) may include the classroom teachers, the academic counselor, the school social worker, the school nurse, the 504 coordinator and, the school administrator. Referrals are brought to this team from teachers, parents, or other professionals. The team aims to address individual needs of students who are experiencing difficulty in school due to academic, social, and/or behavioral concerns.
School Nurse
At Franklin, we have a nurse who is available to assist students with medical concerns during the instructional day. The school nurse distributes medication, provides guidelines to students with chronic illnesses, and responds to illnesses and medical emergencies
Social Worker
Our staff also includes a full-time Social Worker who is available to support students and parents. The social worker accepts referrals from all of the school constituents.
Test Coordinator
Our test coordinator is here to help students navigate assessments that they will take throughout their years at Franklin. From standardized tests (including PSAT, ACT, AP and LEAP) to midterm and final exams, the test coordinator is responsible for ensuring the delivery of appropriate testing accommodations as stipulated on the students IEP or Section 504 plan. The testing coordinator works with staff members to schedule tests, secure testing rooms, assign proctors, and secure all testing materials for the day of the tests.
9th & 10th Grade Support
Our 9th and 10th grades counselors are available to support students as they transition to a new school, which always includes new challenges. Please contact the student’s counselor if you have questions or concerns regarding course selections that enhance academic and career goals or other supports that promote positive educational outcomes. Some commonly addressed concerns include: academic performance, student habits (study skills, organization, time management), and social adjustment. For help calculating your student’s core (or retention) GPA, reference this worksheet.
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Bullying or Cyberbullying: (504) 304-5782
Child Protection: (855) 452-5437